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Last, but not least

Apr 27, 2023

As I approach my last and final days of my semester abroad,

it’s crazy to say that I am already feeling the nostalgia of these past four months. 

To switch things up, instead of reflecting on the past of an amazing semester, 

(Which will only, in turn, make me even more nostalgic),

I have decided to talk about what I’m most looking forward to in my life BECAUSE of studying abroad.

  1. Traveling more, obviously. Studying abroad was the slap in the face that I needed to travel more. Sure, the one valid excuse for me to not travel lies within financial status, unfortunately. But to say the least, now I have an understanding of the kind of traveler I am, and how to get the most use out of my time and money.

  2. Learning a new language. Living in Europe has given me the humbling awakening that everyone here speaks 2+ languages and it’s really cool. At this rate, I’m going to take more advantage of my Spanish-speaking parents and learn. Maybe even take a class.

  3. Taking advantage of my youth. Being a college student is all fun and games until 80% of the things you think about are career and life path related– which, while all being very important— simply aren't worth worrying about right now at the ripe age of 20 (almost 21.) Europe will teach you that, or at least, it taught me. 

  4. Doing things like this. I’ve always been someone that loves reading and writing. But travel blogging? I would have never known unless I tried it, and turns out it’s exactly my niche. Documenting four impactful months as a form of work. Simply stunning. 

Thankful, emotional, grateful, blissful, indebted, relieved, revived— basically all the ful’s and ed’s you can think of is how I feel right now. 

Although, the one conquering feeling I have is pure exhilaration to be back at my computer again, documenting my next travel chapter.

Stay tuned.

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