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GroupM Summer 2023 Internship

Working for Coca Cola

During the duration of the internship, I worked under one of GroupM's clients: Coca Cola. More specifically on the programmatic team. This position entailed: optimizing, managing, and reporting on campaign performance and providing support on media proposals. Platforms used on a daily basis included: Excel, PowerPoint, and The Trade Desk.


Collaboration and Innovation

Myself and three fellow interns conducted a research analysis of the ever changing landscape of the advertising industry. We then compiled ways that GroupM can remain at the forefront of the market based on our research. We then had the opportunity to present our findings to the board of GroupM.


Dinner with the CEO

By partaking in one of the engaging opportunities offered by GroupM, 8 interns of 58 (including myself) were invited to  a sit down dinner with the CFO of GroupM and CEO of Essencemediacom.

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