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How To Guide: Becoming an Extrovert

Jan 19, 2023

I once read something that said,” The best way to become an extrovert is to tap into several different kinds of your personality.”

One of my most redeeming qualities is my desire to meet new people every single day, and I think that primarily stems from a fascination with humans and their behaviors. 

For example, this blonde girl sat next to me in my Comm and Gender class. Right next to me. I’d like to note that there were no other people in the class at this time. 

So naturally, I struck up a conversation with her. 

Based on her uninterested body language and standoffish demeanor it was clear she didn’t want to continue the conversation much longer. But, my extroverted ideals prompted me to ask her for coffee after class. 

(I mean— she did sit right next to me.)

And she said yes!

Subsequently, we both came to Barcelona solo, on the same quest to dive into a new culture and make some new friends along the way. After about a 15-minute lovely conversation, we exchanged contact information and went our separate ways. 

Tomorrow, I think I’ll ask her to get some tapas (meaning: appetizers, very popular cuisine in Barcelona.)

Since I’ve been here, my mom keeps telling me not to be so hard on myself. I think that should go for all people. As much as you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself, you shouldn’t be so hard on other people either. 

This is a good perspective of an extrovert, and a good idea to practice in everyday life.  If I was too hard on blondie, I would have ended the conversation the second I noticed her disinterest. Although, deep down inside we’re both desperate for friends and human interaction and clearly have different tactics of accomplishing this.

Hers was sitting next to me, mine was my ability to shut off all social cues. 

Better yet, what more ideal place to become an extrovert than studying abroad. Looking into the grand scheme of things, time is running out. 

You have four months to make this journey the most spectacular time of your life, so you have no choice but to throw yourself OUT of your comfort zone. 

THINK and DO like an extrovert, and very soon you might just become one.


A well-versed extroverted-introvert.

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