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Small-town girl goes on a solo trip

Mar 28, 2023

If you had told me three months ago that I’d be traveling to an island alone, well…

I would’ve looked at you like you were insane. 

One of the funny lessons study abroad will teach you is that everyone is customizing this experience specifically catered to them and them only. 

Meaning, everyone came with different spending budgets, bucket lists,  prioritizations, etc. Therefore, it makes it really hard to coordinate things such as traveling with your friends when everyone has different goals for these four months. 

We’re not here that long, it’s fair to say you need to accommodate yourself first and foremost. 

For some time, I have been toying with the idea of taking a trip somewhere on my own just for a weekend. This wasn’t exactly an idea my mom was very fond of, although I was simply just waiting for the opportunity to present itself. 

About a week ago, there it was, staring right back at me. A weekend that I wanted to travel and none of my friends could come with me. 

Solo travel.

Now, this concept might not seem extreme to some, but as a rookie traveler that is still learning the ropes, this was big and I wanted to do it right. 

My destination of travel was…

Drum roll, please. 

Menorca! One of the Balearic Islands off of Spain. 

Some island exploring happened to be on my bucket list and not only was the flight cheap, but it also had great reviews for the time of year I was going. 

After careful planning, and lots of convincing to a concerned mother, I was on my way. 

The island itself was charming and quite desolate due to it being off-season, but I was honestly in no hurry to do anything except sit on a beautiful beach anyways. 

I had the opportunity to stay in a cozy hotel in the heart of the ex-capital of Menorca called La Ciutadella. 

The beauty of solo traveling is you have full authority to do whatever you please without anyone’s input. 

To say the least, I got exactly what I needed out of this trip, which was some quality me-time and a confidence boost to solo travel more. 

So, if you have been searching for that sign or waiting for that opportunity to do some soul searching then THIS is your sign.

Hate to say it, but all of those cliche quotes on t-shirts saying, 

“Do it, you’re going to die anyway,” 

actually have some truth to them. 

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