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White Lives Matter: Op Ed.

Rapper and designer Kanye West is known for having an outward personality and controversial opinions.

From back in 2018, his comments on TMZ about slavery being a choice. Backing it up with the comment,

“When you hear about slavery for 400 years…for 400 years? That sounds like a choice,” he said, “Right now, we’re choosing to be enslaved.”

To today, his new line in the works titled “White Lives Matter.”

It is currently unknown why West used this title, although there is significant (racist) history with this phrase. This phrase has been adopted by Neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups as a response to the Black Lives Matter protests.

Kanye’s decision of titling one of his fashion lines this is not surprising. This past February, Kanye renamed Black History Month, “Black Future Month” with an event he hosted. He commented,

“If we wanna talk about Black history? Who wrote that history for us? They beat down ideas that will keep you enslaved mentally, they target you, they put you in that box to control your mind and to make you fearful,” he said.

As someone who values originality and freedom of speech, I have always been an admirer of Kanye West. When it begins to infringe on my beliefs of racial equality, I no longer have that same admiration.

I will continue to follow up on this case, and hope there is eventually a method to his madness.


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